Business Coaching
Business coaching is just that: a coach to help you through the processes in your unique business.
Whether you’re just starting out, a seasoned business owner feeling overwhelmed, an entrepreneur that needs a bit of guidance, or a career professional that needs a mentor to bounce ideas off of and hold you accountable on a regular basis, we’ve got you covered.
Hiring a business coach will help you to not only get focused on the task at hand, but also provide someone who can help solve problems that allow you to reach your business goals.
We help your business succeed by using proven strategies gathered through over two decades of experience. Our job is to help you grow your business into a profitable, sustainable, and thriving entity aligned with your mission and vision.
Absolutely! Business Coaching is incredibly valuable to your business— especially when you are just starting out.
There are so many things to think about: business plans, proper legal paperwork, banking, customer management systems, branding, budgeting, timelines, realistic goals, work spaces, marketing, and so much more!
We will start with your business concept, and work through a strategy that will generate a step-by-step guide to make your dreams of business ownership a reality!
We find that in-person meetings are always helpful, especially at the beginning. However, as we progress through our meetings, a weekly zoom is usually what is the least burdensome for busy schedules.
In working with clients from all over the country, we understand that face-to-face, in-person meetings are not always feasible. However, if you are located in the Central Mississippi area, we can meet face-to-face, if that is what you prefer.
We also offer to travel for meetings, depending on the circumstance. If we begin working with you, how meetings will happen can be determined after our initial discovery call or meeting.
We offer several options for meeting frequency. Some clients prefer to meet a few times a week, some prefer once a week, and some more established clients prefer twice monthly check-ins to make sure they are staying on track and focused on the aspects of the business that need it most.
When we first started out in business, we had no idea where to turn, what to do next, or how to even accomplish the goals we had set out for. When you start a business, it is easy to make plenty of mistakes because you simply don’t know what to ask, who to ask, or even how to ask for what you want and need.
At the start, and along the way, business coaching was what we needed and longed for— what we wish we would have had. Having a mentor, a sounding board and a business advocate to help you grow your business, step-by-step, is imperative!
We will utilize our network of business professionals to help you with everything you could ever need, from legal advice to financial planning and accounting.
Yes, 100%. What works for a local artist will not be the same as a dog trainer. While the strategies behind marketing, public relations, and design often stem from the same thought process, each is different in its respective way.
We value and understand that each of our clients are in different places in their business journey. It is our job to meet you where you are, and make strides in helping you reach your full business potential!
All of the packages we offer can be modified to meet your individual needs. If you are interested in learning more about the specifics of our pricing, please feel free to contact us.