My Story

Hi, I’m Allison! I have been a photographer for a long time- 23 years to be exact. A crazy series of events have finally landed me here at Cultivate Branding and Design.

I am originally from Dothan, Alabama. I went to Ole Miss to be an athletic trainer, ended up with a letter in both football and volleyball, and graduated with a degree in elementary education. I married Jack Muirhead of Vicksburg and we have one daughter, Elle, who currently attends Emory University School of Law.

While teaching school, I discovered I needed a creative outlet; photography came into the picture. I started with shooting film, but made the swap to digital many years ago. Eventually, that outlet introduced me to an additional love for photoshop and graphic design.

I approach photography as true art. I design each session to the client because I believe it is so important in today’s digital age to truly tell your unique story. As a brand specialist, I like to dive deep into who you are, what your brand is, and why. My job is to then conceptually make that come alive in your logo, colors, and your branding photography. I really believe that you need more than a headshot for a re-brand— you need an online image makeover! An image is the FIRST thing people see when they land on your website or social media site, and an image that tells your story will make your brand stand out. Let me help you tell your best story!